Diasporas within a Diaspora
Jonathan Israel has steadily risen to become one of the giants of both Western Sephardic studies and the relatively young field of maritime trading networks in the Early Modern Atlantic. The fruit of meticulous toil over a decade of research, this monumental treatise offers eighteen essays that cover a wide range of topics relevant to the Nação – half of them new, and the rest reframings of his earlier work.
Inspired by an older generation of scholars like Roth, he does not flinch from challenging their conclusions, and puts forth more nuanced accounts that upend some of the received narratives from the early 20th century. The introduction is a masterful overview that is worth reading in its own right, and the chapters touch upon every corner of the Nação, from the Old World to the New, and from conversos to open Jews. No modern treatment of this topic may ignore his work, which can expect to occupy a venerable position in the discourse for decades to come.
Inspired by an older generation of scholars like Roth, he does not flinch from challenging their conclusions, and puts forth more nuanced accounts that upend some of the received narratives from the early 20th century. The introduction is a masterful overview that is worth reading in its own right, and the chapters touch upon every corner of the Nação, from the Old World to the New, and from conversos to open Jews. No modern treatment of this topic may ignore his work, which can expect to occupy a venerable position in the discourse for decades to come.
The Marrani in Italy, the Greek Lands, and the Ottoman Near East (1540-1580) Venice, Salonika, and the Founding of the Sephardi Diaspora in the North (1574-1621) Portuguese Crypto-Judaism in New Spain (1569-1649) Portuguese Conversos and the ‘Commercial Subversion’ of the Spanish Indies (1580-1640) The Jews of Spanish North Africa (1580-1669) Spain and the Dutch Sephardim (1609-1660) Crypto-Judaism in 17th Century France The Canary Islands and the Sephardic Atlantic Trade Network (1620-1660) The Jewish Role in the Rise of the Muslim Corsair Republic of Saleh (1624-1666) The Sephardi Diaspora and the Struggle for Portuguese Independence from Spain (1640-1668) Dutch Sephardi Jewry, Millenarian Politics and the Struggle for Brazil (1645-1654) Menasseh ben Israel and the Sephardic Colonialization Movement of the mid-17th Century Tangiers, Sephardic Jewry and English Imperial Ambitions in the Maghreb (1661-1684) Jews and the Stock Exchange: The Amsterdam Financial Crash of 1688 The Dutch Sephardi Elite at the end of the 17th CenturyL the Observations of Gregorio Leti (1631-1701) The Jews of Curacao, New Amsterdam and the Guyanas (1648-1740) Sephardi Jewry and the Struggle for the Spanish Succession (1700-1714) The Final Suppression of Crypto-Judaism in Spain (1714-40) Bibliography Index |
41 67 97 125 151 185 245 269 291 313 355 385 421 449 489 511 533 567 585 601 |